
Succeed with young in 2024 with strategies that work

In today’s world, even the term ‘advertising agency’ is no longer strictly correct

Advertising Agencies today are called upon to plan and execute much more than advertising for their clients.

In response, many agencies are re-branding themselves as brand communications agencies.

The in-vogue term nowadays is Strategic Brand Consultancy. Agencies in the 21st century create and deliver communication spanning a verity of disciplines and media (Advertising, Public Relations, Promotion, Point Of Sale, Pack Designs, Sponsorship, Research, etc.)

The agency DNA is mutating towards communications, and away from just advertising…just being an advertising agency.


The only trick is, learn the trade!

To be a true professional, you need to know your job really well. And to do that you need to know a good deal about the jobs that go before and after your job. Unfortunately for all the aspirants for the job of account executive, all jobs in the agency go either before or after the client servicing.

So you are perforce required to learn all the jobs in the agency, including stamp licking (and sticking) and dispatch!


Generally, there may be a list of careers in advertising but the departments in an agency comprise Client Servicing (Account Management, Creative, Media, Production, Research, Support Services and Administration.

As a young advertising agency professional, or an interviewee for the job, you need to know what services the agency undertakes to provide the client and therefore what you are expected to know and do!


As clients place more emphasis on professionally trained management, the agencies mirror the preference for young business school graduates in Account Management. After a short internal training programme, they are usually confirmed as Account Executives. Succeeding designations in a successful career are usually Sr. Account Executive, Account Group head, Account Manager, Account Director, Branch Manager, General Manager, Vice-President, Executive Vice-President and finally CEO. With globalization, new designations based on geographical territories have also come into play. CEO – Asia Pacific, for example.

It may take up to 20 years to reach the top.

Most jobs in an agency start with a Client Request for some work. The request may be seen as a problem or as an opportunity.

An advertising agency’s Client Servicing team then hotfoots it to the client’s office for the critical function of taking the brief. Now, smart agencies do not just take the brief; they critique it and analyse it on their still warm feet. So that any obvious bloopers can be communicated instantly.

The process of analysing the brief continues back in the office. The market situation, competitive brands, competitive advertising, client plans, brand history and life-cycle – all these have to be factored in. A thorough account management professional, would have most of this data ready. Yes, that means that a bit of time and energy would have been spent in advance.

This is the reason why management graduates are usually preferred for the Client Servicing Executive’s job!

At the entry level, apart from your degree and the standing that your institute has in the industry, there is pretty little to recommend a young management professional. So the interviewer will probably use the old tried and tested methods.

#TIPS to get the JOB

  1. Dress for the part. A client servicing person should be well turned out.
  2. Take notes – in a notebook, on your phone, whatever. But take notes.
  3. Try and demonstrate an understanding of brands and consumers.

Back in the office, the servicing will brief the creative team, and probably the media on the work that needs to be done.


If you think that you can leave the paved path of the expected, to venture into the potentially prolific oilfields of imagination, you probably belong in this department. The formal designations include copywriters, art directors and the graphic artist (DTP).

The writers write (ads, print, TV, web, brochures flyers and so on) and the art people design (ads, print, web, etc)

Today, the roles are pretty much interchangeable, thanks to desktop publishing enabling the visually challenged copywriters to create a passable visual!

The Studio prepares paste-ups and layouts for print ads and television storyboards.

Creatives (writers) today do have institutes that at least hand out a degree or a diploma. Creatives (art) have had the benefit of sound art schools. Getting a job is easier if you have qualifications, or a student portfolio.

Student portfolios apart,

What does the interviewer look for in young creatives?

  • A slightly different take on life – its realities, problems and perplexities.
  • But still, do wear clean clothes, and project a definite image.
  • Hippie is no longer an image. And do be on time.
  • That’s one unchangeable aspect of the communication industry.


In an advertising agency Production Managers/Executives organize material for handing over to media vehicles, according to specifications. Additionally, they calculate rates for printing, fabrication of various dispensers, etc.

Normally, young people who want a job in the ad agency production department would have some production/printing qualification from a technical institute.


The final step in delivering communication to the target consumer is the responsibility of the media department.

Actually there are two steps. Planning, and Buying. The Planners study consumers’ media habits, evaluate media content and then decide which media options and vehicles to use. The Buyers buy time and space for communication in video and print, usually after hard negotiations, and then monitor to ensure that the communication appears according to plan.

Aspirants for a media job, would have a communications qualification, with some specialization in media. The reason for this is clear when we realize that there are more than 600 TV channels, 6000 movie theatres and innumerable publications in over 26 languages.


Consumers use products and services based on their wants, needs, desires and motivations. Researchers study consumers to find out what exactly they think. Researchers collect data, run internal and external research, create tools such as questionnaires and decipher and translate the data collected.

Youngsters who want a job in research in an advertising agency would have some qualification in data management, research methodology, and probably some practical experience in working for a research agency as questionnaire administrators.

Support Services and Administration

This department includes jobs ranging from accountants to security guards. Varies widely among agencies.

Follow these easy to use tips to help you with your agency job hunt

  1. First impressions do matter. Studies show that most people make up their minds about the people they meet in the first two minutes or less after meeting. Use these techniques to swing the decision in your favour. Be appropriately dressed; spent some thought and time on grooming; and always, but always, be on time.
  2. Your speech is critical. That is the second thing that people notice. Use whichever language you are comfortable in – English, Hindi or your local language. Save the Hinglish for work.

Take special care to be polite. To everyone.

There is no surer way to upset people than using the wrong name, or designation.

  1. Practice using non-verbal communication. Smile. Shake hands with a firm grip. Always carry a pen and pad; and use them!
  2. Remember to carry the relevant documents ― letter, e-mail, student portfolio, maybe a bit of proactive work done after studying one of agency’s clients?

These are the top priority do follow tips when you’re trying to get a job in an advertising agency.


The conventional form and structure of the ad agency is changing rapidly. The future is goingto see even more dramatic changes. The world is getting smaller, which means that clients’ markets are getting larger, even across countries and continents.

If the last decades of the twentieth century saw the break-up of the traditional agency into ad agencies and specialist service agencies, the twenty-first century will see a reversal of that process. Because brand managers worldwide have realized that a single agency needs to be the custodian of the brand. Plus it also liberates the brand manager from the hassle of dealing with a multitude of vendors.

The development of team creative processes will speed up beyond all imagination.

Clients will demand effective use of technology to accelerate processes and to eliminate unnecessary activities. Secretarial staff will decrease; computers will take their place. So the smart agency professional will learn typing and take computer courses.

New digital media will place increasing demands for ― in particular ― the production and adaptation of film material to be effected quickly and inexpensively.

“Top-down” structures that ensure the involvement of senior people on all accounts will become mandatory.

A large main agency will maintain a panel of creative hot shops at the service of the main agency’s clients, supervised by the main agency.

New media means new opportunities, but also the need for additional training. Keeping pace with technology will be fundamental to success in the industry.

Advertisers and advertising practitioners must also keep in tune with changing values, cultures and fashions.


Contrary to popular belief, the number of years you spend in an advertising agency has no bearing on career growth. In the ideal world, performance is the only thing that counts.

The day you start doing the job of the next senior level, you get a promotion and it keep going on….

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Veena Kotian

Accounts Manager

Living life with the Sound Of Music soundtrack playing in the background, Veena is one of those few people who can say things like life is beautifull and power is within us and make it sound believable and inspiring. When not spreading smiles, she can be found sprawled on a secluded beach at a beautiful somewhere with a book, living by the famous motto: You get the drinks and all get the suntan lotion.

Swati Khandera

Account Officer

Swati likes to dance through life on the tune of Working Man, her magic fingers expertly playing with numbers, feeding her life-long affair with finance. When not busy trying to keep us away from her box full of change, she enjoys going to places, buying things, reading and music.

Sudhir Bajirao

Sales Executive

Sudhir is just passionate about his work and believes in hard work, he aims to be the very best in whatever he does. A compulsive foodie, loves to travel and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Sanjay Patil

Head - Client Solutions

Everyone close to Sanjay knows that the way to his heart is a little bit of affection and a lot of chicken. His gastronomic love affair takes him around the city searching for food to satisfy his soul. A fiercely loyal friend, he constantly strives to excel at work and otherwise.

Abhay Manjrekar

Client Servicing Executive

A young, energetic and extremely committed man, Abhay Manjrekar, is the secret of our energy. Loved by everyone at Young and appreciated for his dedication by clients, Abhay is always the ‘go to man’ whether it comes to everyday work or impossible deadlines. With an experience of over 5 years in handling various brands, Abhay always gives his hundred percent to everything. His understanding of creativity and brand strategies along with the flexibility to adopt multiple roles, make him a formidable team player who takes it all to the finishing line with commendable effort. Apart from advertising, loves to have a ball watching a game of cricket with buddies.

Sachin Pirkar

Office Assistant

While the rest of us sing a different tune, Sachin happily spends his day humming the latest Rakhi Sawant hit. With a smile that can light up a country, he the proud keeper of the offices playlist.

Ramdas Pawar

Office Assistant

Ramdas, with his crisp collection of shirts, is the man who will patiently wait with you late into the night. Everyday management aside, you can always count on him for everything from keeping you up to keeping you fed.

Baban Lokhande

Studio Executive

Baban likes the speed of his curveballs to be directly proportional to the speed of his bikes. However, when not indulging his need for speed, he dabbles in mellower things in life such as discovering new albums, action movies, and photography.

Sandeep Sinnarkar

Creative Head

Doing work that works, for the clients, the brands and the agency – that’s the simple mantra Sandeep Sinnarkar adheres to when he gets down to work. With an experience spanning 25 years, he has to his credit a diverse body of work across categories such as Automobiles, FMCG, Lubricants, Real Estate, Hospitality, Pharma and Medicare, Banking, Fashion and more. For more than a decade he drove communication and creative strategies at Lowe Lintas – a stint where his work many won accolades. He strives to produce work that’s founded in insights, aimed at building an emotional connect with the TG. And guess what, he does it equally well in English, Hindi and Marathi as well.

Amit Rane

Studio Executive

On an ideal Sunday, you will find Amit lounging in the grass humming along to old classics, as he waits for his turn to bat on the field. Also, if he had his way, he would drop everything and travel the world on his bike.

Jitendra Boricha

Business Head - Media Alliance & Sales​

Jitendra, along with being an expert media strategist, is also an avid learner. Armed with an MBA in marketing, he has previously lent his expertise to leading media establishments such as Times of India, Mid Day and Radio City. Needless to say, he brings vast knowledge and experience to the agency. At Young, he has taken up the challenge of creating and
marketing new business initiatives in the media vertical. Interested in fresh, innovative avenues to explore, heÂ?s always on a lookout for new and effective media offerings for our clients.

Anup Kotekar

Co-Founder & Director

It's a question that bogs down virtually every entity in the space of creative communication. How does a brand get itself to be seen, heard and remembered amidst all that media clutter? Young gets its answer to this one with Anup Kotekar, a senior media expert with top drawer experience in media marketing and management. Anup's career has had long and rewarding stopovers at the Times of India - where he was involved in hard-core media marketing for 12 years, WPP Â? where he set new benchmarks as the National Head (Sales) and Group M. Anup has also been a part of the core team which set up India's first retail media company Future Media Â? where he served as the Business Head for the audio visual media vertical.

Wilfred Fernandes

Founder & Director

Innovative thinking at Young begins right at the top. With a reputation for cutting through marketing clutter with fresh business approaches, Wilfred Fernandes keeps the momentum at Young going with initiatives that take it out of the league of its contemporaries. The founder of Young distributes his zeal and energies between overseeing the performance of all Young verticals, driving new business development, and thinking up big ideas to set Young apart from the crowd. Not really a surprising package to expect from a professional who has pioneered several innovations during his 14 year stint at the Bennett Coleman Company Group, the Times Property supplement being a fitting example. Wilfred has also been the Chief Marketing Officer at Ekta World.