
Succeed with young in 2024 with strategies that work

As in poker, so in politics. And maybe, even in Advertising!

Leading on your opponents to believe that one holds better cards is a classic strategy in poker. What is usually referred to as bluffing. Which of course demands a few prerequisites. The classic ‘poker face’ is the first of them. A definite lack of ‘tells’ is another. Good bladder control, and steady motor nerves are others.

A newly elected western leader is currently using the ‘bluffing’ maneuver rather exquisitely, though one wouldn’t usually expect such finesse from a sledgehammer.

Analysts have arrived at the conclusion that the leader’s provocative statements and actions are aimed at bluffing the people on the other side of the table, and thus getting the best deal for his country.

Repealing his predecessor’s healthcare initiatives is to force the healthcare industry to give the government the best deal possible. The new wall, with a neighbouring country is to renegotiate trade deals to a more favourable angle for his country.

The blatant threats against a certain Middle Eastern country, is to ensure the continued and increased purchase of goods, including everything up to large passenger aircraft. Of course, this stance will also ensure that certain other countries are forced to buy weaponry from the leader’s country.

The question of success and failure will be answered in the near future.

But the ultimate objective of making the other guy blink, before even starting the negotiations, has been beautifully employed earlier, in several marketing and advertising cases.

The famous ‘Cola Wars’ in the US, is a case in point. The upstart forced the originator of the product to change its hitherto unchallenged, winning formula. The resulting mayhem in the market then forced the leader to relaunch the classic formula. But, as we all know, old wine in new bottles, doesn’t sell!

Today, advertising agencies have only one card to pull out of their sleeves – the celebrity endorser (cricketer or cinestar)! Though to be fair, it is often the client personnel who so desperately want that selfie! The answer to whether a celebrity endorses actually sells product, is like reiterating the age-old chicken and egg question. Though it might be safe to believe that a batsman can sell cricket bats. A gorgeous film star can obviously speak for the relative merits of cosmetics, with or without the help of photo-editing software. At the end of the contract, it is usually the celebrity endorser who happily endorses the payment cheque and laughs all the way to the bank!

What then is the best way to trump the competition?

The way that works is to actually find an edge – in the product, in the pricing, in the place (distribution) and in the promotion.

An Indian communications professional doesn’t have to go very far to find a current success. An Indian consumer products brand, promoted by a successful yoga guru, has got the entire market in a tizzy. Let’s look at the rather evident secrets.

First the products. The endorser is a yoga guru, as demonstrated, pretty vividly, on television. His earlier, and fervent boosting of natural products and ingredients, has paid off now. The product names are all Indian, with a built in delivery guarantee. The taste, odour, colour – all contribute to an advantageous product differentiation.

Second the pricing. Most of the new brand’s products are priced at about half of the competition. And the features are the same, if not better!

Third, the places of availability. Besides the regular distribution channels, the new product has also set up smaller, exclusive outlets, in not so fancy (read, pricey) locations, thus furthering the brand’s inherent promise – quality, at reasonable prices.

Fourth, promotion. The brand ambassador is the co-owner himself. More importantly, his professional reputation and demonstrated ability and physical well-being, are extremely credible attributes for the brand’s promises.

No wonder that the MNC competition’s numbers are dropping!

It is simply up to the combined operations of a brand owner and a communications agency to figure out how to create a success in the marketplace.

For a brand owner, the idea is to find a new product, or at least a new angle on a product.

For an advertising agency, learning can come from anywhere. The idea is to keep your eyes and ears open to pick up a trump, even if it is only a knave!

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Swati Khandera

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Swati likes to dance through life on the tune of Working Man, her magic fingers expertly playing with numbers, feeding her life-long affair with finance. When not busy trying to keep us away from her box full of change, she enjoys going to places, buying things, reading and music.

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Abhay Manjrekar

Client Servicing Executive

A young, energetic and extremely committed man, Abhay Manjrekar, is the secret of our energy. Loved by everyone at Young and appreciated for his dedication by clients, Abhay is always the ‘go to man’ whether it comes to everyday work or impossible deadlines. With an experience of over 5 years in handling various brands, Abhay always gives his hundred percent to everything. His understanding of creativity and brand strategies along with the flexibility to adopt multiple roles, make him a formidable team player who takes it all to the finishing line with commendable effort. Apart from advertising, loves to have a ball watching a game of cricket with buddies.

Sachin Pirkar

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Baban Lokhande

Studio Executive

Baban likes the speed of his curveballs to be directly proportional to the speed of his bikes. However, when not indulging his need for speed, he dabbles in mellower things in life such as discovering new albums, action movies, and photography.

Sandeep Sinnarkar

Creative Head

Doing work that works, for the clients, the brands and the agency – that’s the simple mantra Sandeep Sinnarkar adheres to when he gets down to work. With an experience spanning 25 years, he has to his credit a diverse body of work across categories such as Automobiles, FMCG, Lubricants, Real Estate, Hospitality, Pharma and Medicare, Banking, Fashion and more. For more than a decade he drove communication and creative strategies at Lowe Lintas – a stint where his work many won accolades. He strives to produce work that’s founded in insights, aimed at building an emotional connect with the TG. And guess what, he does it equally well in English, Hindi and Marathi as well.

Amit Rane

Studio Executive

On an ideal Sunday, you will find Amit lounging in the grass humming along to old classics, as he waits for his turn to bat on the field. Also, if he had his way, he would drop everything and travel the world on his bike.

Jitendra Boricha

Business Head - Media Alliance & Sales​

Jitendra, along with being an expert media strategist, is also an avid learner. Armed with an MBA in marketing, he has previously lent his expertise to leading media establishments such as Times of India, Mid Day and Radio City. Needless to say, he brings vast knowledge and experience to the agency. At Young, he has taken up the challenge of creating and
marketing new business initiatives in the media vertical. Interested in fresh, innovative avenues to explore, heÂ?s always on a lookout for new and effective media offerings for our clients.

Anup Kotekar

Co-Founder & Director

It's a question that bogs down virtually every entity in the space of creative communication. How does a brand get itself to be seen, heard and remembered amidst all that media clutter? Young gets its answer to this one with Anup Kotekar, a senior media expert with top drawer experience in media marketing and management. Anup's career has had long and rewarding stopovers at the Times of India - where he was involved in hard-core media marketing for 12 years, WPP Â? where he set new benchmarks as the National Head (Sales) and Group M. Anup has also been a part of the core team which set up India's first retail media company Future Media Â? where he served as the Business Head for the audio visual media vertical.

Wilfred Fernandes

Founder & Director

Innovative thinking at Young begins right at the top. With a reputation for cutting through marketing clutter with fresh business approaches, Wilfred Fernandes keeps the momentum at Young going with initiatives that take it out of the league of its contemporaries. The founder of Young distributes his zeal and energies between overseeing the performance of all Young verticals, driving new business development, and thinking up big ideas to set Young apart from the crowd. Not really a surprising package to expect from a professional who has pioneered several innovations during his 14 year stint at the Bennett Coleman Company Group, the Times Property supplement being a fitting example. Wilfred has also been the Chief Marketing Officer at Ekta World.