
Succeed with young in 2024 with strategies that work

Perhaps that should be rephrased as “Do celebs sell products?”

Almost every brand which can afford communication today seems to have a celebrity endorsee or brand ambassador.

Celebrity endorsement is an advertising strategy which involves celebrities or a well-known person using their social status or their fame to help promote a product, service or even raise awareness on environmental or social matters. (Wikipedia, 2017).

Celebrity endorsement is not a new hack. Not at all. It started when cigarette brands in the U.S., started inserting baseball player cards in the packs. Obviously, baseball fans puffed away in their attempts to collect the entire set of cards.

Other brands and categories quickly caught on. Initially, they used other athletes. But then, cosmetic brands figured out that film stars worked better for them. We’ve seen it in India too. Being selected as the face of Lux Beauty Toilet Soap was unofficial recognition of the star’s elevation to the number one spot.

Brands which think the strategy through, often find diamonds in the rough. For example, in 1984, a new running shoe brand called Nike, found a young brilliant basketball player called Michael Jordan, signed him, and became a basketball shoe giant. Of course, His Airness also became a marketing powerhouse.

The trend continues. In the 2000s, another new athletic shoe brand called Under Armor, found a new exciting basketball player called Steph Curry, signed him on, and became the new basketball shoe giant.

Let us take a reality check.

What does a celebrity endorsee actually do for a brand, or company, or nonprofit organization?

A celebrity endorsee increases Reach. Fans of the celebrity actor or athlete follow news about the celebrity. In the process, the brand also gets some eyeballs, often from people who would otherwise never have eyed the brand. Of course, eyeing and buying are two very different things!

A celebrity endorsee can bolster Brand Image. When a refined, cultured gent like the Nawab of Pataudi, (Mansur Ali Khan), professes t hat his palace is painted with Dulux, the brand goes up a few notches in the estimation of other newbie  nawabs, titled or not.

A celebrity endorsee should enhance Brand Recognition. At least, that is what the brand managers fervently hope for, when they shell out billion rupee fees.

Now, do canny Indian shoppers, who bargain at the drop of a rupee coin, actually believe that ABC cinestar or cricketer actually uses the products they are pushing? This is the actual million rupee question.

The Indian psyche used to be rather cynical. But recent developments in the country indicate that Indians are becoming more than a little gullible. Or is it just that the brand or agency executive wants to get a selfie with the star (whichever gender), and go viral on social media?

Suppose we take the stand that celebrity endorsees do actually work? And we want to sign one?

Then there is work involved in selecting the celebrity. An athlete endorsing sports gear that helps him perform better is eminently believable. A millionaire athlete endorsing luxury products is even more believable. A gorgeous star endorsing grooming products in believable. An ageing, multimillionaire megastar endorsing multivitamins is utterly believable.

There is a ‘fit’ in these cases. The believability vanishes if there is not ‘fit’.

The celebrity should be selected based on a few essential criteria.

The audience. The wildly aspirational, star struck, glamour hungry, Indian lower middle class, will believe anything that their hero says. Or so they say. The campaign managers hope that they will also buy. They may. Or may not. The more erudite audiences may take advertising claims with more than a pinch of salt, iodized or otherwise.

Characteristics. Of the endorsee, not of the brand or product. Of course, the target audience cannot afford French knickers, so the coarse Indian brief is the one that he buys. It may feel a little better, if a big time star says he finds it comfortable. After all, the mind is the biggest weapon in the marketing armory.

Image. A classy endorsee, will hopefully, infuse the crudest brand with some pizzazz.

Attractiveness. No arguments here. In the mirror, everybody is as glamorous as the hottest star. And they are worth whichever cosmetic, or tooth whitener, or hair conditioner, their preferred star plugs. And hopefully uses.

Cost. The endorsees know that the sun is currently shining, if not India. Those with sufficiently deep and dark pockets, where the sun never reaches, get the celebs. The others have to search for a good communication idea.

Credibility. Some marketers know this. Some don’t. For the endorsee, in most cases, it hardly makes a difference. Athletes like Pullela Gopichand, who refused a multicrore deal, from a soft drink giant, are very very rare.

However, the brand, or the brand executive must also realize that there are disadvantages too, with taking on a celebrity brand ambassador.

Eclipsing or Overshadowing. Will the celebrity become even more popular, at the risk of the sponsor losing all memorability?

Overexposure. Celebs who endorse everything under the sun, from soft drinks to software, may not be believed at all.

Image change. Sometimes celebs come out with their personal beliefs. The general public may reach in unpredictable ways. Most client brands predictably drop the celebs. Martina Navratilova, straight up. Or not.

Loss of Popularity. The athlete stops winning, the star starts flopping. Most client brands exit the contracts.

Other Risks with Celebs.

If there is miscommunication between the audience beliefs about the celeb and the representation of the product. A recent men;s vest tv commercial featuring a well regarded star, may sell the product to the intended audience, but to other audiences, the star comes off as a clown, more than a celeb.

If the celebrity is found  using competing products. The famous case of Heineken Beer, which had the slogan ‘Heineken refreshes the parts that other beers cannot reach. In this case, the celeb athlete in question was tennis player Carling Basset, daughter of the Carling Beer family. Basset was photographed drinking a can of Heineken. The next day’s newspapers had the news clipping as the illustration for an ad which read “Heineken refreshes the parts Daddy’s beer cannot reach.”

Scandals. Commonly related to alcohol, drugs, sex, or crime. Tiger Woods, and Maria Sharapova and the brands which used them as celebrity endorsers have all paid the price.

After weighing the pros and cons, the final question is, does celebrity endorsement help sell products or ideas?

If a celeb is chosen carefully to fit the brand and campaign, if the creative is done around an idea, rather than the celeb, and if the progress is monitored carefully, celebrity endorsement can help. But if the brand doesn’t have the money, a mascot might do better!

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Living life with the Sound Of Music soundtrack playing in the background, Veena is one of those few people who can say things like life is beautifull and power is within us and make it sound believable and inspiring. When not spreading smiles, she can be found sprawled on a secluded beach at a beautiful somewhere with a book, living by the famous motto: You get the drinks and all get the suntan lotion.

Swati Khandera

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Swati likes to dance through life on the tune of Working Man, her magic fingers expertly playing with numbers, feeding her life-long affair with finance. When not busy trying to keep us away from her box full of change, she enjoys going to places, buying things, reading and music.

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Sanjay Patil

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Abhay Manjrekar

Client Servicing Executive

A young, energetic and extremely committed man, Abhay Manjrekar, is the secret of our energy. Loved by everyone at Young and appreciated for his dedication by clients, Abhay is always the ‘go to man’ whether it comes to everyday work or impossible deadlines. With an experience of over 5 years in handling various brands, Abhay always gives his hundred percent to everything. His understanding of creativity and brand strategies along with the flexibility to adopt multiple roles, make him a formidable team player who takes it all to the finishing line with commendable effort. Apart from advertising, loves to have a ball watching a game of cricket with buddies.

Sachin Pirkar

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While the rest of us sing a different tune, Sachin happily spends his day humming the latest Rakhi Sawant hit. With a smile that can light up a country, he the proud keeper of the offices playlist.

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Baban Lokhande

Studio Executive

Baban likes the speed of his curveballs to be directly proportional to the speed of his bikes. However, when not indulging his need for speed, he dabbles in mellower things in life such as discovering new albums, action movies, and photography.

Sandeep Sinnarkar

Creative Head

Doing work that works, for the clients, the brands and the agency – that’s the simple mantra Sandeep Sinnarkar adheres to when he gets down to work. With an experience spanning 25 years, he has to his credit a diverse body of work across categories such as Automobiles, FMCG, Lubricants, Real Estate, Hospitality, Pharma and Medicare, Banking, Fashion and more. For more than a decade he drove communication and creative strategies at Lowe Lintas – a stint where his work many won accolades. He strives to produce work that’s founded in insights, aimed at building an emotional connect with the TG. And guess what, he does it equally well in English, Hindi and Marathi as well.

Amit Rane

Studio Executive

On an ideal Sunday, you will find Amit lounging in the grass humming along to old classics, as he waits for his turn to bat on the field. Also, if he had his way, he would drop everything and travel the world on his bike.

Jitendra Boricha

Business Head - Media Alliance & Sales​

Jitendra, along with being an expert media strategist, is also an avid learner. Armed with an MBA in marketing, he has previously lent his expertise to leading media establishments such as Times of India, Mid Day and Radio City. Needless to say, he brings vast knowledge and experience to the agency. At Young, he has taken up the challenge of creating and
marketing new business initiatives in the media vertical. Interested in fresh, innovative avenues to explore, heÂ?s always on a lookout for new and effective media offerings for our clients.

Anup Kotekar

Co-Founder & Director

It's a question that bogs down virtually every entity in the space of creative communication. How does a brand get itself to be seen, heard and remembered amidst all that media clutter? Young gets its answer to this one with Anup Kotekar, a senior media expert with top drawer experience in media marketing and management. Anup's career has had long and rewarding stopovers at the Times of India - where he was involved in hard-core media marketing for 12 years, WPP Â? where he set new benchmarks as the National Head (Sales) and Group M. Anup has also been a part of the core team which set up India's first retail media company Future Media Â? where he served as the Business Head for the audio visual media vertical.

Wilfred Fernandes

Founder & Director

Innovative thinking at Young begins right at the top. With a reputation for cutting through marketing clutter with fresh business approaches, Wilfred Fernandes keeps the momentum at Young going with initiatives that take it out of the league of its contemporaries. The founder of Young distributes his zeal and energies between overseeing the performance of all Young verticals, driving new business development, and thinking up big ideas to set Young apart from the crowd. Not really a surprising package to expect from a professional who has pioneered several innovations during his 14 year stint at the Bennett Coleman Company Group, the Times Property supplement being a fitting example. Wilfred has also been the Chief Marketing Officer at Ekta World.